
Contribute to Poetry for Mental Health

Would you like to showcase your poetry for mental health here on this website, in our new e-magazine, as well as on our Facebook page? Then consider contributing ...


Single Poetry

You can submit one poem a month for our featured poetry section showcased on the HOME page of our website, on our Facebook page, as well as permanently on the FEATURED POETRY pages. You can also write a little about the poem - what it means to you, why you wrote it, etc, as well as a brief author's biography (around 25-50 words), and any links (eg: FB page/blog).

Featured Poet

If you have more than one poem you would like to share, you can also contribute to our FEATURED POETS section where we showcase individual poets with up to SIX pieces of their work, as well as a little about the poems (either individually for each poem, or generally). Alongside your poetry, we would also like a more detailed writers' biography (up to 150 words), and any contact/social media details you would like to share, as well as a photo (note: we CANNOT feature you and share your feature on FB without a photo). Click here to check out our Featured Poets for some examples.


Single Poetry

You can submit one poem for our poetry pages in the magazine. You can also write a little about the poem - what it means to you, why you wrote it etc, as well as a brief author's biography (around 25-50 words).

Featured Poet

If you have more than one poem you would like to share, you can also contribute to our FEATURED POET section where we showcase individual poets with up to SIX pieces of their work, as well as a little about the poems (either individually for each poem, or generally). Alongside your poetry, we would also like a more detailed writers' biography (up to 150 words), and any contact/social media details you would like to share. NO PHOTO required for a magazine feature.

Articles, interviews and personal stories.

We are also looking for articles, interviews and personal stories. These can be about mental health, writing poetry for mental health, or your journey with mental health. You can also be e-mailed interviewed about your own mental health challenges and how you are using words and poetry to support and help you. Contact us for further details about this.


PLEASE NOTE: No profanities of any kind, or anything of an adult nature. IMPORTANT: By submitting you agree for us to publish your work on: this website, in our magazine, and/or on our Facebook page (under a pseudonym, or anonymously if you prefer). However, you do retain copyright and are free to publish your work anywhere else, and at any time, either prior to, or post publication - we believe words about mental health issues should be read as widely as possible!

Please try to send your submission/s altogether in one email, or as a .doc attachment to: Please do not send as a pdf file though, as they are sometimes difficult to cut and paste while keeping the correct format. We will normally acknowledge your submission within a few days, but please be patient regarding publishing them - Poetry for Mental Health is run voluntarily and it receives a lot of emails every week, so it can sometimes take a while to get to everything!


Issue 1

Look forward to reading your work! Stay strong, keep writing ... poetry!

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